Welcome to our page dedicated to the Daily Rigour, your FREE numeracy newspaper. We provide a new edition every week where we focus on stories in the news from the past week and the numbers behind them!
The aims of our newspaper are;
1. To enable young people to develop their numeracy skills and to apply them in new and unfamiliar contexts
2. To aid the development of literacy skills
3. To encourage young people to take an interest in the news
4. To provide a starting point for all teachers to promote the importance of numeracy within the context of their own subject.
Let us know what you think and feel free to tweet us your own articles @cdmasterworks #DailyRigour. We would love to hear from you!
Issue 338 - Sunday the 9th of February 2025.
Click here for this week's video solutions to check your answers.
Feel free to download this edition for your pupils with a blank worksheet to record their solutions...
We have below, a selection of past editions for you to view. To access the full video solutions click on the desired issue below to view an image. In the picture description at the bottom, copy the youtube link and paste it into an internet explorer address bar. This will take you directly to the solutions. Alternatively, subscribers can access the FULL downloadable versions of ALL past editions with accompanying pupil worksheets and video solutions by clicking on the buttons below. To subscribe to our website and to benefit from access to all our online resources click here.
Looking for a numeracy activity for your class? Download our FREE interactive Daily Rigour templates. Pupils can research their numeracy news stories and type them on the templates provided. Any suggestions for additional templates are welcome. Please tweet us examples of excellent practice on Twitter @cdmasterworks - we would love to hear from you!
Due to requests, the templates for the Daily Rigour (or should we say An Leasachadh Làitheil!) are now available to download in Gaelic...