Experiences and Outcomes...

Our RIGOUR software is an active and innovative way to deliver the Numeracy and Mathematics Experiences & Outcomes for CfE through ICT with success for all firmly at the heart of what we do!


The software provides teaching and exempification, homework, assessment and certification in a progressive manner. Each Numeracy and Mathematics skill is differentiated at 3 levels; bronze, silver and gold encouraging mastery of all key skills. This provides a structured, yet flexible, framework to enable every pupil to achieve success regardless of age, stage and ability.


We currently have interactive CfE programmes for the following levels. Click on the icons below or the menu on the left hand side for more information, video demonstrations, free downloads and access to our online learning portals...

This software is of mutual benefit to both Primary and Secondary pupils. The common approach and shared understanding lend themselves towards effective transition and regular monitoring of pupil progress.


Our software can be utilised by maths and non-maths specialists for encorporating Numeracy into your CfE courses.


If you have any questions about RIGOUR software please send us an e-mail. We would be delighted to hear from you!

Additional Resources

CfE February Calendars for CfE 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Level

You can download our CfE 1st Level calendar below. Click here to view the answers.

You can download our CfE 2nd Level calendar below. Click here to view the answers.

You can download our CfE 3rd Level calendar below. Click here to view the answers.

You can download our CfE 4th Level calendar below. Click here to view the answers.

1st Level February Calendar.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [175.2 KB]
2nd Level February Calendar.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [330.2 KB]
3rd Level February Calendar.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [371.6 KB]
4th Level February Calendar.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [383.3 KB]

Calendar Certificates

Are you running a monthly competition? If you are please feel free to download our certificates below to present to the winners. Remember to tweet about your #RigourMathsSuperheros to @cdmasterworks so we can congratulate them too!

Calendar Certificates - all levels.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [102.3 KB]

Calendar recording grid

Feel free to download our tracking grid if you want to view class progress month by month. Watch the bars rise! Simply enter their scores and the bar graph will automatically be generated. The graphs print off on a single sheet of A4 if you want to display them. Class averages are automatically calculated and see at a glance where to plan for interventions. 

Calendar BLANK.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [125.3 KB]

While we always post the correct calendar each month, subscribers can access the full downloadable versions of all our calendars and solutions at any time by clicking on the buttons below. To subscribe to our website and to benefit from access to all our online resources you will find the links to the sign up forms on our homepage.

Differentiated Online Textbooks

Subscribers can access our Online Textbooks to help them seemlessly implement differentiation within their classroom.


Each textbook contains over 80 differentiated worksheets at bronze, silver and gold level with worked examples and answers included.


Either display them on the interactive board or print them to give to students.


**DON'T GET TOO EXCITED - THEY ARE IN THE EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT BUT CONTENT IS BEING ADDED DAILY!** The underlined skills are the ones that have worksheets attached to them.


To subscribe to our website and to benefit from access to all our online resources you will find the links to the sign up forms on our homepage.

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Calling all Parents & Students!

Click here for more information regarding access to our online learning portals to aid home revision.

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